Before David’s death in May, he had a number of Your Silent Neighbors articles “in the pipeline.” Here is one of his last entries of the series:
YOUR SILENT NEIGHBORS, George W. Demski, Avon Road Commissioner
by David K. Leff
George W. Demski (1887-1959) was an Avon road commissioner for about 25 years, and also served a number of terms on that town’s board of selectman. Although he resided in Avon, where he was born, his home on Smith Road was so close to Collinsville that he was considered a resident of the village.
Demski was married to Elizabeth Fischer, who died about a month before him. The couple had a son who passed away around age 20, and a daughter who died in infancy. A member of St, Mathews Lutheran Church in Collinsville, he was also involved in the Schiller Lodge, ODHS (Order of the Sons of Hermann), a German immigrant aid society and fraternal organization.
Demski was survived by two nieces and five nephews, all but one of whom lived in Collinsville. A prayer session was held at the Gordon E. Ventres Funeral Home in the village, and funeral services were at St. Mathews Church on Torrington Avenue.
George W. Demski is buried in the Village Cemetery, Collinsville.
“Your Silent Neighbors” introduces readers to people out of Canton’s past. Readers are encouraged to visit these gravesites and pay their respects to the people who have helped make our community what it is today.